Tuesday, September 27, 2016

what a phone I have

As per my manner of understanding i get that mobile these days is suppose to be  my computer including all those gadgets i posess not compromising the power of every device i have of course. Thats why i believe i am paying that lump of cash in order to get it. But when it comes to this case scenario its always unsatisfying. For me to get a proper quality of job done by my gadgets i am compelled to rely on the same old device that i bought for a specific purpose, like always my phone never gets a proper satisfyingly impressive photo, so i hang that bloody camera regardless of that shiny tiny phone which when it was unveiled in the market promised so much. And lets not talk about the processing power that these mobile phone has to offer, it's hopeless, utterly hopeless unless i am carrying a little much bulk device which the companies built to bridge the gap between mobile and that pandora box which has only two places in my house i.e my desk,table or on my lap, in the begining they were termed tablets, haha i still find that funny in a certain manner, how i am not sure but it still sounds hilarious.

Each quarter,leap year these giant manufacturers shows up in the arena with new promises decorated with humble words in a reliable picturesque posing their product.
i have not idea what an idiot i am, listening everytime to these jackasses saying that this is the new change in the technological paradigm, a new era of technology.. bla bla bla ...
when nothing actually is going on .....exactly nothing beside some minor changes in ways we are suppose to perceive our gadgets ...
Aren't softwares suppose to be doing these minor changes beside hardware i say. Because changing your device for such minor hardware upgrades is really expensive, atleast in this time sequence of upgrades.

I would much appreciate the builders if they focus on quality and types of accessories as a method of upgrades rather that building a complete new model of device in such a short span of time, like 4 times in an year.

After all i am not robbing a bank anyway.

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